Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Ascension Day Rounders

As has now become tradition, many of the Year 13 boys and girls dragged themselves out of their beds early ready to leave for Maidensgrove Common at 06.30. After prayers and reflections on moving on to pastures new, the hottly contested rounders match took place between between teams captained by the Head Chapel Warden, Gus and his assistant, George. Both sides cheated terribly, the Headmaster kept changing the rules and The Chaplain and Mr Brown forgot the scores! Match over, everyone enjoyed bucks fizz and breakfast before heading back to school for a second breakfast.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Success at National Schools' Regatta

We are delighted to report that four College House boys won two Silver medals each at last week's National Schools' Regatta in Nottingham. Harry Vardigans, Dom Parnell, Tom Arnold and Harry Hogan were part of the 1st Eight and made up the coxed four, both crews winning Silver! Many congratulations to them all for coming away from this blue riband event with such success.

Most of the victorious crew. There's an imposter though! Can you spot him?

Exams - Good Luck!

Good luck to all College House boys and the Gilson girls as they start their A2 exams. Many have already sat AS re sits but the A2s start with a vengeance this week.

Getting up to date

1st XV at the Rugby Club Dinner

Out with the old, in with the new! The new sofas arrive.

The flooded river in the Spring term

Gilson vs. College Netball. The boys lost!

The House photo - formal...

...and informal!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Happy Christmas from the 1st XV!

Shiplake rugby celebrated!

Last night saw the annual Rugby Club dinner which gave us all a chance to celebrate the achievements of the season. As ever, Year 13 boys were at the front of the queue for prizes!

 Full Colours were awarded to: Jake Long, Alex Collis, Joe Carey, Dom Rice, Bodie Dean, Harry Williams and Oran Mehmet.
Half Colours: Henry Lewis, James Rossi-Bull, Peter Baker and Mike Reynolds

1st XV most improved player: Jake Long
Players' Player: Alex Collis
Plato Plate: Oran Mehmet
Player of the Year: Harry Williams

 2nd XV Players'Player: Henry Lewis
Player of the Year: Peter Baker

3rd XV awards to Ruaridh Scott and Zachy Mettawa Other awards were made by the 3rd XV coaches including ones for the poorest match-training ratio (Ben Peers),the player most likely to drop the ball in a try scoring situation (Ollie Dingley)and the best touch, worst contact player (Cameron Keay). Well done to all those honoured!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Nearly there!

It doesn't seem like fifteen weeks ago that fifty one rooky Year 13 boys were taking their first tentative steps in College House! Time has flown so quickly that the College House bloggers have got left behind and only now have managed to post a snapshot of the term. (Apologies!) It has been a good term with academic, cultural and sporting success and all Y13 boys settling in well to their new surroundings and their new roles. As we enter the final week all are busily preparing for House parties, the Rugby dinner and, of course, the Carol Service.
